Published September 28, 2023 | Version 1.6
Project deliverable Open

PALOMERA D5.1 – Dissemination, outreach, engagement, and exploitation plan

  • 1. OPERAS
  • 2. OBP
  • 3. SPARC Europe
  • 1. OAPEN
  • 2. UGOE
  • 3. OBP
  • 4. JISC
  • 5. OPERAS
  • 6. SPARC Europe
  • 7. LIBER Europe


The Dissemination, outreach, engagement, and exploitation plan (PEDR) describes the methodology across the PALOMERA project as a guideline for the activities of all project partners when sharing information about the project, engaging with the community, reaching out to it as well as the activities to be carried out to enhance the successful exploitation of the project results. The guide identifies the strategy for dissemination, outreach, engagement, and exploitation, and describes the various channels that the project uses. It is complemented by the Communications Kit developed separately that provides an overview of items available to all project partners for download. The PEDR is a living document. Its structure mainly follows the template suggested in the PALOMERA Grant Agreement (proposal part). It will be updated during the project implementation and tailored to the project’s needs and progress on demand. The current document is a first draft of the PEDR and will be updated at the end of each reporting period (M9, M24).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.



Palomera_D5.1 V1.6_M9.pdf

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PALOMERA – PALOMERA - Policy Alignment of Open access Monographs in the European Research Area 101094270
European Commission