Published August 31, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

fairly Toolset: Research data management and publishing at your fingertips!

  • 1. University of Twente
  • 2. TU Delft


Digital research environments facilitate research data production by providing the necessary processing and analysis tools. They are well connected to some research infrastructure, e.g., code repositories. But their interoperability with research data repositories is weak, and the researchers need to manually upload their research data to the repositories, mostly through web forms. The fairly toolset integrates research environments and research data repositories, and allows easy cloning and downloading of datasets from repositories, local data and metadata management, easy and unattended uploading of datasets to repositories, and smart data and metadata synchronization between local and remote datasets. The toolset includes a Python library providing a standard API to manage and publish datasets, a command line tool that enables research data management without programming skills, and a JupyterLab extension to manage datasets through a graphical user interface. Various data repository platforms, such as Zenodo, Figshare, 4TU.ResearchData, are supported by the toolset. During the workshop, we will present the fairly toolset and train the participants on how to use the available tools to make research outputs FAIR. The toolset, which is developed by Faculty ITC, TU Delft DCC, and 4TU.ResearchData through NWO Open Science funding, is relevant for researchers, data stewards, research software engineers, data managers, and practically anyone who develops or manages research data.



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