Published June 20, 2023 | Version v2
Book Open


  • 1. Knowledge & Innovation
  • 2. Technological University Dublin
  • 3. Sabanci University
  • 4. University of Deusto
  • 5. Oxford Brookes University
  • 1. European Science Foundation
  • 2. Sabanci University
  • 3. Knowledge & Innovation
  • 4. University of Deusto
  • 5. University of Gothenburg
  • 6. Oxford Brookes University
  • 7. Independent Researcher
  • 8. University of Vienna
  • 9. Technological University Dublin
  • 10. Jagiellonian University in Kraków
  • 11. CNRS, Centre Norbert Elias,
  • 12. Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna v
  • 13. Centre for Gender Studies Panteion University
  • 14. CEU Democracy Institute
  • 15. Yellow Window
  • 16. Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences
  • 17. Institute for Labour and Family Affairs
  • 18. UBI/Cies_Iscte
  • 19. University of Iceland
  • 20. Örebro University
  • 21. Solidarna - Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity
  • 22. National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Bucharest
  • 23. Equality Research Helsinki
  • 24. Aalborg University, Department of Politics and Society
  • 25. Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences
  • 26. Radboud University Nijmegen
  • 27. Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
  • 28. University of Latvia


“(Better) stories From the Pandemic” is a book collecting 80 stories, 80 interviews with people who shared their experiences during the pandemic, experiences that speak about gender and intersecting inequalities.

During Resistiré we have collected almost 800 interviews and at some point, we wondered “how could we give these stories wider dissemination and allow them to inspire others? Then the idea of the book was brought forward.

In the pages of the book you will find the experiences of people who were already exposed to systemic social injustices, even before the pandemic shocked the world. In their own voices, the protagonists open up to tell how some of their difficulties suddenly escalated and became extremely unbearable during the crisis.

You will find stories of working mothers juggling various tasks. Stories of health workers exposed to unbearable risks and stress. Stories of young transsexuals forced into isolation with hostile parents. As well as undocumented migrants, people with disabilities and older people exposed to isolation.

In terms of structure, the book has no chapters, it is not divided in themes, nor by country. We resisted the idea of clustering each story in a specific theme. Instead, we liked this idea of having a flow, and sequencing the stories in waves: a challenging story is followed by one that conveys hope, resistance or change.





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Book: 978-91-87789-83-0 (ISBN)


European Commission
RESISTIRE – RESpondIng to outbreaks through co-creaTIve sustainable inclusive equality stRatEgies 101015990