Published September 18, 2023 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Data and R-scripts for estimating carbon dioxide emissions from drained peatland forest soils for the greenhouse gas inventory of Finland

  • 1. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Joensuu, Finland
  • 2. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Kokkola, Finland
  • 3. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
  • 4. Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland



A new method for estimating carbon dioxide emissions from rained peatland forest soils was developed for the Greenhouse Gas Inventory of Finland (GHG inventory). The method is based on a set of models (Ojanen et al. 2014, Tuomi et al., 2009) that dynamically compile all relevant carbon inputs and outputs into a time series of soil CO2 emission. A complete description of the method is described in Alm et al. (2023). Here we present the input data and R-scripts (R Core Team, 2020) for computing the time series from year 1990 to 2022 of CO2 emission from soil in forest land on drained organic soil, like it was reported by the Finnish GHG inventory (Statistics Finland, 2023).

Time series data

The source of forest and area data is the Finnish National Forest Inventory (NFI) as a part of Luke Statutory Services. The NFI standing forest data in the data files includes annual country-wide estimates of mean basal area and standing biomass of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) and all the broadleaved forest trees combined. The data concerns forest land on drained organic soil only (class FRA 1 according to the FAO forest land definition).

The NFI data for each year has been averaged by different drained peatland forest site types (FTYPE) and by inventory regions of southern and northern Finland. The areas and proportions of FTYPEs of all drained peatland “forests remaining forests” (i.e., forests that have not undergone another change in land use in the past 20 years) in southern and northern Finland (Alm et al., 2023), derived from NFI12 (2014–2018).

Annual litter input from harvest residues was estimated using statistics of harvested stem volumes by species, collected and published by Luke (Luke statistics). The stem volumes were converted to whole trees and further to litter fractions and further to The share of residues remaining in forest is estimated by subtracting the amount of the logging residues collected for energy use, the data obtained from Luke statistics/energy. The biomass of live trees, annual litterfall from live trees aboveground and root litter belowground are derived from the National Forest Inventory of Finland (inventory rounds NFI8 to NFI13). The R-code also includes calculation of annual litter production from the harvesting residues.

The regression-based transfer models, implemented in the R-code, also need meteorological time series inputs: The soil organic matter decomposition model (Ojanen et al. 2014) uses May-October mean temperature. Decomposition model yasso07 (Tuomi et al., 2009), applied for estimating the CO2 release by decomposition of harvesting residues and above ground litter from natural mortality, is constrained by annual temperature, annual temperature amplitude and annual precipitation. Starting from the original country-wide grid produced by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) the weather time series were spatially averaged so that the FMI weather grid values were collected from those locations where peatlands representing each FTYPE in southern and northern Finland were observed by the NFI, respectively.

The pre-prepared input data are given in files, see Table 1 for descriptions.



Table 1. Description of input data files.


Description of data


Time series of years 1990-2022 for annual average basal area (m2 ha-1) by year, by peatland forest site type (peat_type) and by tree species or group (tree_type).


Values of peat_type correspond to FTYPE:

1  Herb-rich type

Vaccinium myrtillus type

Vaccinium vitis-idaea type

6  Dwarf shrub type

Cladina type


Values of tree species or group correspond to:

1  Scots pine

2  Norway spruce

3  Broadleaved species


Time series of years 1990-2022 for annual biomass (biomass, t ha-1 of dry mass) by year, by biomass component, by tree species and by peatland forest site type (tkg).


Values of peat_type correspond to FTYPE:

1  Herb-rich type

Vaccinium myrtillus type

Vaccinium vitis-idaea type

6  Dwarf shrub type

Cladina type



Time series of years 1990-2022 of annual aboveground litter from dead wood: Harvesting residues and natural mortality combined (C, t ha-1 of dry mass; lognat_litter).


Values of region correspond to GHG inventory region:

south  South Finland

north  North Finland


Time series of years 1990-2022 for litter AWEN-fractions (A=acid soluble, W=water soluble, E=ethanol soluble, N=non-soluble; C, t ha-1) by different litter types: Above-ground coarse woody litter (coarse_woody_litter), fine woody litter (fine_woody_litter), non-woody litter (non_woody_litter) by litter source and deposition type by region. “org” denotes organic soil.


Values of region correspond to GHG inventory region:

south  South Finland

north  North Finland


Values of ground correspond to litter deposition environment:

above  Above-ground litter

below  Below-ground litter


Time series of years 1990-2022 for C, t ha-1 of dry mass, decomposed from logging residues and natural mortality by region.


Values of variable “region” correspond to GHG inventory region:

south  South Finland

north  North Finland


Time series of years 1990-2022 for regional (region) precipitation sum (mm, sum_P), average annual temperature (°C, mean_T) and amplitude of the annual temperature (°C , ampli_T).


Values of region correspond to GHG inventory region:

south  South Finland

north  North Finland



Areas (ha) of drained peatland forests remaining forest land by region and peat_type.


Values of variable “region” correspond to GHG inventory region:

south  South Finland

north  North Finland


Values of peat_type correspond to FTYPE:

1  Herb-rich type

Vaccinium myrtillus type

Vaccinium vitis-idaea type

6  Dwarf shrub type

Cladina type



Time series of years 1990-2022 for 30-year rolling mean temperature for the May-October period (roll_T) used by the soil decomposition models. The values are calculated for each FTYPE (peat_type) using their spatial distributions (see details in Alm et al., 2023).


Values of variable “region” correspond to GHG inventory region:

south  South Finland

north  North Finland


Values of peat_type correspond to FTYPE:

1  Herb-rich type

Vaccinium myrtillus type

Vaccinium vitis-idaea type

6  Dwarf shrub type

Cladina type



The R-scripts

The scripts are an excerpt from the Finnish greenhouse gas inventory code set, applying the necessary pre-processed input data and producing the soil CO2 emissions for each FTYPE separately. The necessary R-packages (R Core Team, 2020) are managed in the script LIBRARIES.R.

Guidance for running the R-scripts is given in the README.txt.


Alm, J., Wall, A., Myllykangas, J-P., Ojanen, P., Heikkinen, J., Henttonen, H. M., Laiho, R., Minkkinen, K., Tuomainen, T. and Mikola, J. A new method for estimating carbon dioxide emissions from drained peatland forest soils for the greenhouse gas inventory of Finland. Biogeosciences, 2023.

LUKE Statistics

  •, last access 8.12.2022.
  • last access 8.12.2022.

Statistics Finland 2023. URL: (last access 13.9.2023).

Ojanen, P., Lehtonen, A., Heikkinen, J., Penttilä, T., and Minkkinen, K.: Soil CO2 balance and its uncertainty in forestry drained peatlands in Finland, Forest Ecol. Manage., 325, 60–73, 2014.

R Core Team: R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation forStatistical Computing, Vienna, Austria, URL, 2020.

Tuomi, M., Thum, T., Järvinen, H., Fronzek, S., Berg, B., Harmon, M., Trofymow, J.A., Sevanto, S. and Liski, J.: Leaf litter decomposition - Estimates of global variability based on Yasso07 model, Ecol. Modell. 220 (23):3362-3371, 2009.


Includes both input dataset (time series 1990-2022) and software (R-scripts) for producing the respective result time series of soil CO2 balance in Finland for greenhouse gas inventory. The data directory structure for outputs is also given.


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Journal article: 10.5194/bg-20-1-2023, 2023. (DOI)