Published July 10, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Il riuso degli edifici di culto: profili problematici tra diritto canonico, civile e amministrativo

  • 1. Università degli Studi di Torino


This article focuses on the juridical problematic aspects linked to the reuse of places of worship. It wants to examine the notion of “other grave causes” and “not sordid use” in canon law, the hypothecation as a place of worship and the choice of the more appropriate juridical instrument in the Italian civil law and the application of the Italian cultural heritage code, with the prohibition of destroying and of illegal use and the communication of the change in use, in administrative law. In conclusion, it is proposed a brief reference to the case studies and reflections from The future of churches, a conference that took place in Bologna, from 5th to 7th October 2016, and that was organized by the Department of Architecture at the University of Bologna and the Centro Studi Cherubino Ghirardacci.


The reuse of places of worship: problematic aspects between canon law, civil law and administrative law


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