Published May 12, 2017 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

Movable Books As Animated Machines. Creating 3D-Models of Historical Children's Books


  • 1. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz


The project BeWeB-3D deals with specific paper-made objects:
movable or pop-up books. It aims at designing a computer-made model
of 19th century paper-engineered objects, which facilitates interaction.
Contrary to ordinary books these objects contain what you could call
an interface. Therefore, interaction is a main goal of our 3D realization.
BeWeB-3D was launched in February 2017. It is located at Staatsbibliothek
zu Berlin (Berlin State Library) and funded by Germany’s Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Grant No. 01UG1652X). Aside from theoretical
questions the technological part of the project is a challenging task.
This is particularly so for the following (four) reasons. 1) Our average
scientific user demands a low-threshold handling which asks for at least
a plug-in free solution. 2) The quality of the original invites to reflect on
how to live up to this standard best. 3) The implementation as a dynamical
3D model necessitates the use of game-engines like Unity. 4) The
research context requires sustainability, long-term preservation and an
open international standard.



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