Published September 5, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Bromus tenuis Tineo

  • 1. Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, bldg. 4, I- 90128 Palermo, Italy. & NBFC, National Biodiversity Future Center, Piazza Marina 61 (c / o palazzo Steri), I- 90133 Palermo, Italy. & giulio. barone 01 @ unipa. it; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6345 - 3117
  • 2. Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, bldg. 4, I- 90128 Palermo, Italy. & NBFC, National Biodiversity Future Center, Piazza Marina 61 (c / o palazzo Steri), I- 90133 Palermo, Italy. & gianniantonio. domina @ unipa. it; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4184 - 398 X
  • 3. Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, bldg. 4, I- 90128 Palermo, Italy. & emilio. digristina @ unipa. it; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7603 - 3608
  • 4. Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, bldg. 4, I- 90128 Palermo, Italy. & NBFC, National Biodiversity Future Center, Piazza Marina 61 (c / o palazzo Steri), I- 90133 Palermo, Italy. & giulia. mirabile @ unipa. it; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 8070 - 307 X
  • 5. Department of Soil, Plant, and Food Sciences, University of Bari, Via G. Amendola, 165 / A, 70126 Bari, Italy. & marialetizia. gargano @ uniba. it; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0511 - 5363


2. Bromus tenuis Tineo, Pl. Rar. Sicil.: 3. 1817. [1 August 1817]

Brachypodium tenue (Tineo) Tineo, Cat. Pl. Hort. Panorm.: 48. 1827. [December 1827] ≡ Vulpia tenuis (Tineo) Parl., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. s. 2, 15(5): 299. 1841. [May 1841] ≡ Loretia tenuis (Tineo) Willk., Ill. Fl. Hispan. 1(9): 127, pl. 77a. 1884. [September 1884] ≡ Cutandia incrassata (Salzm. ex Loisel.) Benth. var. tenuis (Tineo) Hack., Fl. Advent. Montpellier: 122. 1912. [January 1912] ≡ Vulpiella stipoides (L.) Maire var. tenuis (Tineo) Maire, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique N. 33(4): 95. 1942. [April publ. 25 August 1942] ≡ Vulpia stipoides (L.) Dumort. subsp. tenuis (Tineo) H.Scholz, Willdenowia 6 (2): 296. 1971. [22 October 1971] ≡ Vulpiella stipoides (L.) Maire subsp. tenuis (Tineo) H.Scholz, Willdenowia 7(2): 420. 1974. [1 October 1974] ≡ Vulpiella tenuis (Tineo) Kerguélen, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 124(5–6): 347. 1977. [15–30 September 1977]

Ind. Loc.:—“Hab. prope Agrigentum”.

Lectotype (here designated):—[Sicily] Vulpia tenuis Parl., Bromus tenuis Nob., Bromus littoreus Guss., Girgenti spiaggia, Terranova, April, s. c. [manu V. Tineo] (PAL77156!, image available at

Note:—We traced on sheet at PAL (code PAL77156) including a single plant, and two handwritten labels by Vincenzo Tineo: one from “Girgenti” [now Agrigento city, S-Sicily] and the other from “Terranova” [now Gela town, S-Sicily] without date. As already done in other contributions (Nardi 1984, Domina & Mazzola 2007, Scafidi & Domina 2019), Tineo’s specimens in PAL, although not reporting the collection date, are presumptively considered original material. PAL77156 was checked by C. A. Stace in November 1980, but it has not been used for nomenclatural acts by this author, as in our knowledge. PAL77156 matches the protologue and corresponds to the current application of the name. This taxon has controversial interpretations. Some authors consider it an independent species (Bartolucci & al. 2018), others a subspecies of Vulpiella stipoides (Valdés & Scholz 2009), still others a synonym of V. stipoides (Stace 2022). The nomenclatural type designation can help specialists clarify its taxonomy.


Published as part of Barone, Giulio, Domina, Gianniantonio, Gristina, Emilio Di, Mirabile, Giulia & Gargano, Maria Letizia, 2023, Typification of names published by Vincenzo Tineo from Sicily, pp. 139-147 in Phytotaxa 612 (2) on pages 140-141, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.612.2.2,


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  • Nardi, E. (1984) The genus Aristolochia in Italy. Webbia 38: 221 - 300. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00837792.1984.10670308
  • Scafidi, F. & Domina, G. (2019) Typification of the name Lavatera agrigentina (Malvaceae). Phytotaxa 422 (3): 298 - 300. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / phytotaxa. 422.3.10
  • Valdes, B. & Scholz, H. [with contributions from Raab-Straube, E. von & Parolly, G.] (2009) Poaceae (pro parte majore). Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Available from: http: // ww 2. bgbm. org / EuroPlusMed / (accessed: 6 May 2023).
  • Stace, C. A. (2022) Conspectus of and key to the world's species of Vulpia C. C. Gmel. (Poaceae: Loliinae) and seven related genera. British & Irish Botany 4 (2): 74 - 94. https: // doi. org / 10.33928 / bib. 2022.04.074