Published September 5, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Effect of Cable Configuration on Modal Analysis of Cable Supported Bridges

  • 1. PhD Scholar, Civil Engineering Department, SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat, India & Head of Applied Mechanics Dept. Government Polytechnic, Himatnagar, Gujarat, India
  • 2. Prof. Civil Engineering Department, SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat, India


The infrastructural development along the globe has given rise to an urge for bridges, bridging over super-long spans. Bridges supported on Cable systems can be figured out as Cable supported bridges, in general, subcategorized as Cable Stayed Bridge (CSB) &/or Suspension Bridge (SB) type of cable systems; they generally constitute Long to super long span bridges. To have an edge, for a better cost/utility ratio, in the present scenario, the importance and hence the need for different materials and construction methodologies adopted govern the basic pointer. Primarily and predominantly, CSB’s and SB’s have been preferred for bridges garnering very long or, say, super long spans (herein, spans are generally in multiples of 100m ). It is very much clear and understood that CSB’s and SB’s have their own need, merits & certain demerits too. So as an innovative thought and approach thereby, preference for Cable-Stayed-Suspension Hybrid Bridge (CSSHB) may be incorporating merits of both CSB and SB, respectively. This article tries to restrict the study to assess the consequence of Configurational Forms (Innovative) of Two Plane Cable system(s) on Modal-Time-History-Analysis (MTHA) for Cable Supported Bridge(s) model (studied) using SAP2000. This study covers a range of cable systems, such as conceptually primary cable system(s) like suspension type, cable- stay type, hybrid type in terms of the composite system (Comp CSB, hereafter), and combined (CSB+SB)type of system. The results revealed that the effects selection of a system of cables has a substantial impact on Modal Time.


Effect of Cable Configuration on Modal Analysis of Cable Supported Bridges-Edited.pdf

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