Published September 4, 2023 | Version v1
Report Open

Following the Fellows - Impact Report from funded applicants to the 2023 Fellowship Programme - 8th Open Call

  • 1. Trust-IT
  • 2. Dublin City University
  • 3. Australo


This report provides an immersion into the outcomes of the 2023 Open Call #8 from the perspective of fellows that were selected and funded under this call. The primary purpose of this document is to share the results attained through the work carried out by the funded experts, and to showcase the most relevant outcomes, creating awareness of the potential impact and repercussions of such impact on commerce, industry, governmental policies and strategies and the society. In this report, the Open Call #8 is presented with key takeaways and figures, then the fellowship outcomes are presented in the targeted technology areas, as defined in the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation 2023, addressed by the 39 funded Fellows.


Impact Report from funded applicants to the 2023 Fellowship Programme - 8th Open Call.pdf

Additional details

Funding 2023 – ICT Standardisation Observatory and Support Facility in Europe 951972
European Commission