Published September 1, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Protoperidinium pyriforme Balech 1974

  • 1. Laboratory of Preservation and Biodiversity Renewal, Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of NAS of Ukraine. 37 Acad. Lebedev Str., Kiev 03143, Ukraine.
  • 2. Department of Phytoecology, Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of NAS of Ukraine. 37 Acad. Lebedev Str., Kiev 03143, Ukraine.
  • 3. Department of Scientific Studies and Protection of Marine Biocenoses, Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES), 89 Frantsuzsky Blvd., Odessa 65009, Ukraine. & Ifremer, LITTORAL, Station de Biologie Marine, Place de la Croix, BP 40537, 29900, Concarneau CEDEX, France.
  • 4. Department of Ecological Monitoring, Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of NAS of Ukraine. 37 Acad. Lebedev Str., Kiev 03143, Ukraine.


Protoperidinium pyriforme (Paulsen) Balech 1974. Hydrobiolog. 4 (1): 63. (Figs. 56–57).

References: Lebour 1925: 126, Fig. 38; Schiller 1937: 194, Fig. 191 a–n; Kiselew 1950: 183, Fig. a–b, 309 a–b; Wood 1968: 107, Fig. 322 (as Peridinium pyriforme); Balech 1988: 93, Lam. 31, Figs. 16–19; Dodge 1982: 198, Fig. 23 F, G; Konovalova & Selina 2010: 150, Table XX, 7 a–g; Krakhmalnyi 2011: 206, Table 89, 1–13.

Basionym: Peridinium steinii var. pyriformis Paulsen 1905. Medd. Hav. Kbhvn. Ser. Plankton 1 (3): 1–21, D, Figs. c, d, e.

Description: Cells pyriform, oval in cross section. The epitheca with a short apical protrusion. The epithecal plate pattern comprises seven precingular plates (7ʹʹ), four apical plates (4ʹ), three anterior intercalary plates (3a), 1ʹ plate – “meta”, 2a – “penta”. The cingulum median, slightly ascending, bordered. The sulcus straight, broad, shallow, reaches the antapex. Thecal plates finely reticulated. The hypotheca hemispherical, with two small closely spaced antapical spines. Dimensions: 33.0–66.0 μm long and 32.0–60.0 μm wide.

Distribution: Atlantic, Pacific and possibly Indian Oceans; Greenland Sea, North Sea, Norwegian Sea, Black Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan (Krakhmalnyi 2011). Data on the distribution of P. pyriforme are given from the (2022) (Fig. 94).


Published as part of Krakhmalnyi, Aleksandr F., Krakhmalnyi, Maxim A., Terenko, Galyna V. & Goncharenko, Igor V., 2023, Dominant Species Of The Genus Protoperidinium Bergh (Peridiniales: Protoperidiniaceae) In The Black Sea, pp. 427-448 in Zootaxa 5339 (5) on page 441, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5339.5.2,


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  • Balech, E. (1974) El genero " Protoperidinium " Bergh, 1881 (" Peridinium " Ehrenberg, 1831, Partim). Revista Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales " Bernardino Rivadavia ". Hidrobiologia, 4 (1), 1 - 79.
  • Lebour, M. V. (1925) The Dinoflagellates of the Northern Seas. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth, 150 pp.
  • Schiller, J. (1937) Dinoflagellatae (Peridineae) in monographischer Behandlung. In: Rabenhorst, L. (Ed.), Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, pp. 1 - 589.
  • Kiselew, I. A. (1950) Thecate flagellates (Dinoflagellata) of the seas and freshwater bodies of the USSR. Leningrad, Moscow, 280 pp. [in Russian]
  • Wood, E. J. F. (1968) Dinoflagellates of the Caribbean Sea and adjacent areas. University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, Florida, 142 pp.
  • Balech, E. (1988) Los Dinoflagelados del Atlantico Sudoccidental. Publicaciones Especiales. Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, 1, 1 - 299.
  • Dodge, J. D. (1982) Marine Dinoflagellates of the British Isles. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 289 pp.
  • Konovalova, G. V. & Selina, M. S. (2010) Dinophyta. Biota of the Russian waters of the Sea of Japan. Vol. 8. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 352 pp. [in Russian]
  • Krakhmalnyi, A. F. (2011) Dinophyta of Ukraine (illustrated book for identification). Alterpress, Kiev, 444 pp. [in Russian]