Published August 29, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Begonia datii (sect. Coelocentrum Begoniaceae) a new species from Quang Binh Province, Central Vietnam

  • 1. Silviculture Research Institute (SRI) - Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences, 46 Duc Thang, Bac Tu Liem, Ha Noi 100000, Vietnam Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, No. 53, Nan-Hai Road, Taipei 100, Taiwan &;
  • 2.;


Hoang, Thanh Son, Lin, Che-Wei (2023): Begonia datii (sect. Coelocentrum Begoniaceae) a new species from Quang Binh Province, Central Vietnam. Phytotaxa 609 (4): 282-288, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.609.4.4, URL:



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