Published August 28, 2023 | Version 1
Project milestone Open

GDI MS26 Initial set of questions by the use cases


Milestone MS26 includes a set of initial questions proposed by the GDI use-cases, serving as catalysts to propel the efforts within Pillar II and III. The proposed questions will undergo validation and mapping to align with the technological requirements of GDI. This iterative process will involve collaboration between WP7 and Pillar II, ensuring comprehensive mappings, and then the work can scale it up to Pillar II and Pillar III conversations. In the case where these defined requirements already exist, they will be forwarded to Pillar II. Conversely, if a requirement is novel, it will be directed to WP8.

The following tables include an initial mapping and description of the technologies that would be needed to solve the questions, to serve as a starting point on the connections between WP7 and the rest of the GDI WPs.


GDI MS26 Initial set of questions by the use cases .pdf

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