The self-reflexivity in transnational literature: Re-writing the migration in female migrant writers
- 1. Department of Liguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy, 30123, Italy
The main aim of this paper is to discuss the socio-political meaning of the transnational literary production made by female migrant writers. Thus, it analyses their role in the framework of the 'hybrid' literary production of the 21st century in Europe, such as Spain and Italy. Moving away from the idea of national literatures, this paper investigates literature as a geographical and emotional inquiry point and friction between languages, ideas, practices, literary institutions, female authors, and female voices in today's markets. Hybrid literature written by first and second-generation migrants and displaced people is part of a huger concept of transnational literature, which breaks down with the idea of national identity and transiting towards a new conceptualization of hybridity in the literary production, also based on the translation of writings to other languages. Based on the concept of 'the location of culture' and the conceptualization of the Bhabha's 'third space', I will analyse the relation between the positioning of female migrant writers of 21st century and the role of hybridity and the reconceptualization of the 'third space' in their literary production. The preliminary findings show, firstly, the idea of reconceptualising it appears in light of the complexity of migrant people's realities and sex-gender differences. By adopting an intersectional lens, focused on the dialectic between gender and race/ethnicity and class, this paper analyses the tensions embedded in the re-positioning of four female migrant writers and their transnational experience (self)reflected in their writings. The present research contributes to the scientific knowledge in the field of cross-cultural literary studies, crossed with the migration study, through questioning the changing gender role and relations in transnational migrant literature. In addition, the findings show that today's reflection on 'third space' theory in the diasporic literature seems like an idea to be refined when migrant women are involved.
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