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Published August 16, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

What determines climate ambition? Analysing NDC enhancement with a mixed-method design

  • 1. University of Eastern Finland, Law School, Joensuu, Finland
  • 2. Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal, Germany
  • 3. University of Eastern Finland, Law School, Joensuu, Finland, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels School of Governance, Brussels, Belgium,


The 2015 Paris Agreement relies on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to outline each country’s policies and plans for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To strengthen global climate action and achieve the Agreement’s temperature goal, it is crucial to enhance the ambition level of NDCs every 5 years. While previous studies have explored the ambition of initial NDCs, limited research has delved into the factors driving the enhancement or lack thereof in NDCs’ emission reduction plans. This study employs a mixed-method design to investigate the determinants of NDC enhancement. First, we analyse the updated or revised NDCs of 111 countries using quantitative methods. Second, we conduct qualitative case studies focusing on Brazil and South Africa. Our findings reveal that countries that engaged in stakeholder consultations with civil society, business, and labour groups prior to developing their updated or revised NDCs were more likely to enhance their greenhouse gas reduction targets. These results are further supported by the case studies. South Africa conducted comprehensive consultations and submitted an enhanced GHG target, while Brazil, which did not arrange open consultations, did not improve its target. This study underscores the significance of comprehensive and transparent stakeholder engagement processes, highlighting their potential to drive enhanced NDCs. By involving diverse stakeholders, including civil society, business, and labour groups, countries can foster greater ambition and effectiveness in their climate action, ultimately contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.



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NDC ASPECTS – Assessing Sectoral Perspectives on Climate Transitions to support the Global Stocktake and subsequent NDCs 101003866
European Commission