Published December 27, 2012 | Version v1
Report Open

Reduction of pesticide use in production of vegetables in cultivation facilities by good agricultutal practices

  • 1. Risk Assessment Centre


The impossibility to perform crop rotation and the closed conditions of growing make worse the nutritional regime, result in accumulation pests in the soil and on the constructions that requires application of great amounts of mineral fertilizers and multiple treatments of the sowings with Plant Protection Products (PPP). Modern ecological agriculture requires modern approaches for decrease of PPP use. It is necessary to apply good agricultural practice of growing technologies for obtaining of high quality and safety produce.
Protection of the produce from contamination with residual amounts of PPP requires a reducing of their use during the last years. This could be achieved by observing of good plant protection practices (GPPP) including phytosanitary control, agricultural practices for decrease of the risk of pests, physician and mechanical means, genetic and breeding method, application of bioproducts, botanic pesticides, bioagents, mineral and plant oils, disinfection of soil in greenhouses by biofumugation and solarization.
The use of alternative means and approaches for optimization of plant nutrition and pests control give a possibility for reduction of mineral fertilizers and treatment with chemical PPP. The application of ecological approaches in vegetable production guarantee for protection of the environment and its potential, will establish healthy conditions for labour and qualitative food.


BG; en;


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