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Published July 31, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Cyber Crime during COVID-19

  • 1. Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology & Forensic Science, Government First Grade College, Gandhipur, Haveri, Karnataka.


“KARLO DUNIYA MUTHHI ME” these are the true words across the world with the arrival of internet. Web has become one of the vital pieces of our everyday existence. Cyber-crime, or PC situated crime, is a crime that includes a PC and an organization. A crime where a PC is the object of the crime or is utilized as a device to perpetrate an offense is Cyber-crime. Cyber-crime is advancing and filling because of the Corona virus pandemic. Corona virus is the irresistible infection brought about by the most as of late found Covid. This new infection and sickness were obscure before the flare-up started in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Corona virus is currently a pandemic influencing numerous nations globally. The world is centered on the wellbeing and financial dangers presented by Corona virus, Cyber lawbreakers all over the planet without a doubt are gaining by this crisis. The Corona virus pandemic has constrained associations.



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