Published August 16, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Implementation of Indonesian and Swiss Cooperation Regarding Returning Assets Proceeds of Corruption Within the Framework of Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 2019-2022

  • 1. Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia


The rise of corruption cases in Indonesia has led many corruptors to hide their wealth in other countries, including Switzerland. Asset recovery or repayment is called Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA). The purpose of MLA is to collect and share information, evidence, and testimony that can be used in criminal investigations and cases. In 2019, Indonesia and Switzerland agreed to sign an agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the Swiss Confederation on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. This research aims to determine how the governments of Indonesia and Switzerland implement the MLA agreement to implement the scope of Article 2 of Law Number 5 of 2020 concerning the Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement in Criminal Matters between the Republic of Indonesia and the Confederation of Switzerland. The author uses a qualitative approach and descriptive research type in this research. The author also uses the theory of bilateral cooperation and the theory of international treaties. It also uses the concept of legal aid to analyze this problem. The results of this study show that the Indonesia-Switzerland collaboration by the MLA agreement has yet to be fully effective. The assistance requested by Indonesia to Switzerland has yet to be fully implemented because there are still many obstacles. They started from differences in legal systems, lack of material resources, and lack of evidence obtained to the lack of political will of the Swiss government.


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