Effect of Different Growth Media and Physical Factors on Biomass Production of Trichoderma Viride
- 1. Immunology Laboratory, Centre for Scientific Research and Development (CSRD), People's University, Bhanpur, Bhopal - 462037
In the past decade, excessive use of chemical pesticides has increased environmental contamination which in turn increased the importance for biopesticides to control different plant pathogens and diseases. is potent biocontrol agent. To obtain the favourable conditions for the biomass production of , the present study was conducted on different growth media and various physical factors i.e. pH, temperature and humidity. The best growth of Trichoderma viride was observed on Sabouraud Malt Yeast extract Agar (SYMA) medium with colony diameter of 2 cm after 5 days of incubation. The stationary phase of growth of occurred from 9 day with the decline phase starting from the 11 day of incubation. favored acidic while poor mycelia development was observed on alkaline medium. Moreover, alkaline pH had inhibitory effect on the growth and development of mycelia and pigmentation of the fungus. could grow at a wide range of temperature between 20-30ºC. Best growth and sporulation of the fungus was observed at 28ºC, colony diameter of 2.6 cm and optimum pH at 6 with 3.7cm colony diameter and optimum relative humidity for sporulation was obtained at 80-90%
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