Published August 15, 2023 | Version v1
Workflow Open

Data and Workflow for New Proglacial Meteorology and River Stage Observations from Inglefield Land and Thule, NW Greenland

  • 1. Brown University
  • 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
  • 3. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
  • 4. Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming
  • 5. Consultant, Hydrology Technologist and Field Safety specialist
  • 6. University of Oregon


Workflow for data cleaning and data analysis used in New Proglacial Meteorology and River Stage Observations from Inglefield Land and Thule, NW Greenland
Sarah E. Esenther, Laurence C. Smith, Adam LeWinter, Lincoln H Pitcher, Brandon T. Overstreet, Aaron Kehl, Cuyler Onclin, Seth Goldstein, Jonathan C. Ryan

This file consists of the code for the data cleaning and data analysis and all datasets used. The data folder contains hydrometeorological datasets from the Minturn River meteorological station, single beam lidar devices, time lapse camera, pressure transducer; from the North River single beam lidar unit, Levelogger pressure transducer (PT), and transmitting PT; from the Fox Canyon River single beam lidar unit; and remotely sensed MODIS and NASA GIOVANNI datasets. A complete description of the method can be found in Esenther, et al. (2023).

Anyone wishing to use this data/codes can cite Esenther et al. (2023). Please contact Sarah Esenther at for any queries.

Code files are:
Correction of sun interference offsets in lidar records of three rivers, generation of hybrid stage product from the CF Bubbler and single beam lidar, early melt season ANOVA analysis, and figure generation. Complete description of anomaly offset correction process is included in the Supplemental Material for Esenther et al., 2023.
Statistical analysis of hydrometerological drivers (including precipitation and air temperature) of stage for the Inglefield watershed. Produces pair plots of each variable (X and Y) against hybrid stage (generated in hydrometereorological_cluster.m), selects significant independent drivers (using Bonferroni-corrected significance threshold), and builds multivariate linear regression model from significant independent variables to assess relationship with stage.

The data folder contains following datasets in csv format.
daily_rs.csv: Remotely sensed precipitation (precip) (mm) and albedo (A)/snow cover (SC)(%) over the Minturn River (ing), North River (nr), and Fox Canyon River (fox) watersheds, separated into ice sheet (_is), proglacial (_pg), and full watershed (_full) zones. Bubbler data from the CF Bubbler at the Minturn River.
fox_F1.csv: Single beam lidar data from the Fox Canyon River, converted to stage (FilterStage) in an arbitrary datum.
ing_cam_stage.csv: Time-lapse camera-based stage (stage_filtered) and Water Surface Elevation (WSE) (z) data from the Minturn River, from Goldstein et al., 2023 (
ing_met_station.csv: Meteorology station data from the proglacial Minturn River station. This file consists of following variables.
    L1_Angle: vertical angle of single beam lidar 1 (deg)
    L2_Angle: vertical angle of single beam lidar 2 (deg)
    L1_FirstDistance: distance of first return from single beam lidar 1 (km)
    L1_LastDistance: distance of last return from single beam lidar 1 (km)
    L1_StrongestDistance: distance of strongest return from single beam lidar 1 (km)
    L2_FirstDistance: distance of first return from single beam lidar 2 (km)
    L2_LastDistance: distance of last return from single beam lidar 2 (km)
    L2_StrongestDistance: distance of strongest return from single beam lidar 2 (km)
    RelativeHumidity: relative humidity (%)
    WindDirection: wind direction (deg)
    WindSpeed: wind speed (kph)
    UpwardRadiation: upward radiation (W/m2)
    DownwardRadiation: downward radiation (W/m2)
    AirPressure: air pressure (kPa)
    AirTemperature1: air temperature 1 (deg C)
    AirTemperature2: air temperature 2 (deg C)
    CFBubblerStage: stage from the CF Bubbler in arbitrary field datum (m)
ing_pairplots.csv: This file consists of Daily hybrid stage, precipitation (0-2 day lag) (mm), air temperature (0-2 day lag, 2 and 3 day average) (deg C), air pressure (kPa), upward/downward/net radiation (W/m2), ice sheet/proglacial/full watershed albedo/snow cover (%) over the Minturn River watershed. These are Input for code listed above.
ing_pt.csv: LevelTROLL Pressure Transducer (PT) (m) added at the Minturn River proglacial gauge site in 2021.
north_N1.csv: Single beam lidar data (m) from the North River, converted to stage (FilterStage) in an arbitrary field datum.
north_pt_sn2084756.csv: Compensated PT level from Levelogger PT (SN 2084756) (m) at the North River.
north_pt_transmitting.csv: Stage (Value) from transmitting PT (m) at the North River.

Dataset citation:
Esenther et al., 2023.
Camera data: Goldstein et al., 2023 (


This research was funded by the NASA Cryospheric Sciences program (grant #80NSSC19K0942), managed by Dr. Thorsten Markus. We gratefully acknowledge Crane Johnson at NOAA for his single beam rangefinder designs, code, and guidance, and ASIAQ – Greenland Survey and Vectrus for facilitating service visits during pandemic travel restrictions.


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  • Esenther et al., 2023