Published July 31, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Advertisement and Business Development

  • 1. Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya Autonomous Jabalpur, R.D.V.V., Jabalpur


Advertisement is a mass communication process of persuading the prospect to buy the products or service with increase satisfaction to the consumers and profits to the sponsors. In recent time companies invest huge amount in social media platform to influence the consumer behaviour. Advertisement has a power to engage customers through different media platform. Marketers these days uses various digital media advertising techniques to keep their customers informed, as today’s era consumers are well literate so there is no scope of fooling them. The age of digitalization has led to changes in consumers’ media habits. There is need of understanding how advertisement shapes consumer behaviour and develops a positive relationship with consumer. Hence, we also need a deeper understanding of advertisements on different media platforms and its implications on consumer behaviour. The expectations of consumer to get information from various media such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and the Internet are entirely different. Now a days growth of business enterprises vastly depends on how efficiently they are able to market their product through different advertising platforms. Advertising has also given a birth to new position a company that is advertising manager. Toady companies in order to efficiently market their product keep separate advertising manager whose role is to see whether companies advertising policies are in line or not. In a strategic market, it is important for advertising managers to grab consumers’ attention through different advertisements techniques and sales promotion. A sizable marketing budget is spent on advertising. The trend of using digital media platforms for advertisements is growing. In this research article we will explore the importance of various media advertisements on consumer behaviour. This article thus focuses on how advertising is helping in business development and making brand valve.



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