Published August 11, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

[IO Islamic 2293] تيمور نامه


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The same.

This copy, undated like the two preceding ones, lacks some baits at the end; a comparison, moreover, with No. 2568 (1410 in this Cat.) shows, that the last sixteen verses appearing here, are quite different from those in that copy; the last bait, that is the same in both copies, is

فسونى دميدم زبان بندرا – ببستم زيان حاسدى چندرا

on fol. 185a, l. 6 in the present copy, and on fol. 116b, l. 6 in No. 2568.

College of Fort William, 1825.

No. 2293, ff. 185, 2 coll., each ll. 11; clear and distinct Nasta’lîḳ; illuminated frontispiece; size, 8 in. by 41/8 in.



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