Published August 1, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Proposed energy efficient clustering and routing for wireless sensor network

  • 1. Cambridge Institute of Technology
  • 2. Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology


Wireless sensor network (WSN) is considered a growing research field that includes numerous sensor nodes used to gather, process, and broadcast information. Energy efficiency is considered one of the challenging tasks in the WSN. The clustering and routing are considered capable approaches to solve the issues of energy efficiency and enhance the network’s lifetime. In this research, the multi-objective-energy based black widow optimization algorithm (M-EBWOA) is proposed to perform the cluster-based routing over the WSN. The M-EBWOA-based optimal cluster head discovery is used to assure an energy-aware routing over the WSN. The main goal of this M-EBWOA is to minimize the energy consumed by the nodes while improving the data delivery of the WSN. The performance of the M-EBWOA is analyzed as alive and dead nodes, dissipated energy, packets sent to base station, and life expectancy. The existing research such as lowenergy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH), hybrid grey wolf optimizerbased sunflower optimization (HGWSFO), genetic algorithm-particle swarm optimization (GA-PSO), and energy-centric multi-objective Salp Swarm algorithm (ECMOSSA) are used to evaluate the efficiency of M-EBWOA. The alive nodes of the M-EBWOA are 100 for 2,500 rounds, which is higher than the LEACH, HGWSFO, GA-PSO, and ECMOSSA.


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