Andanus Linnavuori 1959
- 1. Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- 2. United States Department of Agriculture, APHIS-PPQ-NIS, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian
Andanus Linnavuori, 1959
Figs 1–37
Andanus Linnavuori, 1959: 237.
Adlaca Lozada, 1998: 113.
Perundanus Zanol, 1993: 616, syn. nov.
Paralaca Lozada, 1998: 113, syn. nov.
Type species. Andanus bimaculatus Linnavuori, 1959.
Diagnosis. Medium-sized and moderately robust leafhoppers with overall body coloration yellowish with brown or orange marks. Crown distinctly short, anterior and posterior margins parallel, surface longitudinally striate, with pair of large-round black spots on anterior margin adjacent to eyes. Pronotum narrower than head, slightly declivous with weak lateral carina. Forewing macropterous, without extra crossveins; anal veins without crossvein. Male pygofer pointed distally, without processes; subgenital plates divergent in ventral view; connective with anterior arms fused anteriorly; aedeagus with gonoduct sclerotized basad of atrium; segment X long, sclerotized laterally and/or dorsally.
Redescription. External morphology. Medium-sized leafhoppers (4.52–5.15 mm) moderately robust. Body coloration yellowish and usually with orange markings on crown; face entirely yellowish or with orange and black marking on gena and lorum; pronotum mostly yellowish or with a brownish band near mid-length; scutellum yellowish with whitish and brownish marks; outline of veins on clavus yellowish or brown; a well-defined round pair of black spots above ocelli; face yellowish with or without brownish pigment on lora and anteclypeus (Figs 1–3, 9–11, 17–19).
Head wider than pronotum. Crown slightly convex, relatively short, surface weakly striate longitudinally, anterior margin broadly rounded and parallel to posterior margin, width between eyes 1.3x wider than eye width, transition of crown to face rounded and shagreened. Ocellocular area widened toward antennal pit, lateral frontal sutures extended to ocelli. Ocelli on anterior margin of head, close to eyes and separated from latter by less than one ocellar diameter. Frontoclypeus wide, not tumid, parallel-sided through most of length with short erect fine seta beside frontal suture.Antennal ledge weakly developed, not carinate. Anteclypeus widened apically, not tumid, apex slightly surpassing natural curve of gena. Lorum width subequal to anteclypeus near base, extended to lower margin of face. Gena incised below eye.
Thorax. Pronotum with anterior margin slightly produced and posterior margin slightly concave; lateral margins weakly carinate, shorter than half eye width; convex in lateral view. Scutellum not protuberant, same length as pronotum. Forewing macropterous, transparent, appendix restricted to anal margin, apex rounded, without extra crossveins, apical cells subequal in width, base of outer apical cell large and delimited by crossvein, three anteapical cells present, inner cell open (without m-cu2 crossvein). Clavus with crossvein connecting Pcu to claval suture, Pcu and A1 free throughout length, extra crossveins absent. Hind wing venation usual for Athysanini and complete with RP-MA and MP-CuA each separated by crossvein. Front femur with distinct long AM1 near ventral margin, IC setae long and thin (15–17), row AV with 23–27 short stout setae, AV1 differentiated from IC row. Front tibia usually with dorsal macrosetal formula 1+4 (AD+PD) (females rarely 1+5), PV without setae. Middle trochanter without setae. Middle femur row AV with long stout setae. Hind femur macrosetal formula 2+2+1, without extra setae basad of usual set. Hind tarsomere I as long as II and III combined, apex not expanded, plantar setae simple, pecten with 3 platellae, inner apical seta platelliform.
Abdomen. Apodemes of sternite I present, distinct, meeting or nearly meeting medially, relatively long, narrow, reaching to mid-length or nearly to posterior margin of sternite III. Apodemes of sternite II broader, shorter than those of sternite I, lying laterad of apodemes of sternite I (Fig. 13).
Male genitalia. Pygofer longer than tall, sclerotized dorsally at base, incised dorsally beyond mid-length, posterior margin narrowly rounded in lateral view, macrosetae long and abundant or not and distributed on distal 1/3 of pygofer but absent on posterior margin (Fig. 12), short stout setae on posteroventral margin, basolateral cleft reaching half pygofer length with adjacent small fine setae, without long processes (Fig. 4) or with ventral margin serrate (Fig. 32). Segment X longer than wide, about half-length of pygofer, narrow, well sclerotized laterally and/or dorsally with limited mobility or fused to pygofer (Figs 12, 28). Valve and subgenital plates free, articulated to pygofer. Valve triangular, wider than long, anterior margin straight and posterior pointed or broadly rounded to nearly straight. Subgenital plate shape variable, shorter than pygofer, longer than wide, inner margin straight or strongly incised (sinuous) at apical third, apex pointed or expanded, with few fine or stout setae arranged apically or not, lateral margin usually without macrosetae or (A. raunoi) with one marginal row of macrosetae. Style bilobed basad, lateral and medial anterior lobes subequal in size or not, lateral preapical lobe variably developed, apophysis elongate or not (A. sordidus) and slender, surface smooth, without setae, apex rounded, truncate or pointed. Connective shorter than aedeagus, anterior arms curved mesad and fused anteriorly, stem usually longer than arms and partially fused with aedeagus. Aedeagus with preatrium moderately developed, dorsal apodeme short, shaft tubular, curved dorsad, moderately slender, without or with pair of long processes directed anterad along shaft, without or with pair of sublateroapical flanges, with or without one or two pairs of apical or dorsopreapical spines directed anterad or caudad, without or with single minute spine ventro-apically or -medially; gonoduct well sclerotized basad of atrium, recurved toward or beyond connective; gonopore preapical on dorsal surface, as wide as shaft.
Female. Based on A. raunoi. Female sternite VII protuberant and 1.8x longer than wide, narrowing towards posterior margin, apex rounded. Pygofer relatively short, with ~20 macrosetae toward apical 1/4. Base of first valvula expanded laterally, with two lobes; surface covered by numerous short fine hairs. First valvula curved, lanceolate; dorsal sculpturing strigate to reticulate; dorsal margin with unsculptured band; with indistinctly delimited ventroapical sculptured area. Second valvula relatively short and broad, shorter than first valvula; distinctly broadened medially; with numerous serrated teeth along dorsal margin on apical 2/3. Gonoplac short, broad; without macrosetae; with a ventral row of very short, fine setae.
Distribution. Peru and Brazil (Fig. 37).
Species of Andanus (males)
Andanus bimaculatus Linnavuori, 1959 – Peru (Madre de Dios) and Brazil (Ipixuna).
Andanus raunoi (Zanol, 1993) comb. nov. – Peru (Madre de Dios).
Andanus tambopixunensis sp. nov. – Peru (Tambopata) and Brazil (Ipixuna).
Andanus sordidus (Lozada, 1998) comb.nov. – Peru (Madre de Dios).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Cicadellidae
- Genus
- Andanus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Linnavuori
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Taxonomic concept label
- Andanus Linnavuori, 1959 sec. Pinedo-Escatel, Dietrich & Zahniser, 2022
- Linnavuori R (1959) Revision of the Neotropical Deltocephalinae and some related subfamilies (Homoptera). Annales Botanici Societatis Zoologicae-Botanicae Fennicae " Vanamo " 20 (1): 1 - 370.
- Lozada P (1998) Two new genera of neotropical Deltocephalinae (Insecta: Homoptera: Cicadellidae) related to Alaca Oman. Revista Peruana de Biologia 5 (2): 113 - 117. https: // doi. org / 10.15381 / rpb. v 5 i 2.8328
- Zanol KMR (1993) Sobre o material-tipo de Andanus bimaculatus Linnavuori e descricao de um novo genero e nova especie (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 10 (4): 613 - 618. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 0101 - 81751993000400006