Published August 4, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Loboscelidia cucphuongensis Hisasue & Pham & Mita 2023, sp. nov.

  • 1. Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University, 744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, 819 - 0395, Japan. & Ogasawara Division of Japan Wildlife Research Center, Okumura, Chichijima, Ogasawara, Tokyo 100 - 2101, Japan.
  • 2. Mientrung Institute for Scientific Research, Vietnam National Museum of Nature, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), 321 Huynh Thuc Khang, Hue, Vietnam. & Graduate School of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • 3. Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819 - 0395 Japan.


Loboscelidia cucphuongensis sp. nov. EA39FFB2-1727-4E81-9A8D-13920217A0D4

Figs 8, 25E


Named after the type locality ‘Cuc Phuong National Park’.

Type material

Holotype VIETNAM • ♂; Ninh Binh Province, Cuc Phuong NP; 20.360° N, 105.599° E; 23 Aug. 2019; R. Matsumoto leg.; VNMN.

Paratypes VIETNAM • 1 ♂; same locality data as for holotype; 11 Aug. 2016; T. Mita leg.; VNMN • 1 ♂; same locality data as for holotype; 23 Aug. 2019; T. Mita leg.; VNMN • 1 ♂; same locality data as for holotype; 22Aug. 2019; Y. Komeda leg.; VNMN • 1 ♂; same locality data as for holotype; 28 Aug. 2019; Y. Hisasue; VNMN • 1 ♂; same locality data as for holotype; 29 Aug. 2019; N. Tsuji leg.; VNMN • 1 ♂; Bac Kan province, Ba Be NP; 22.4130° N, 105.6320° E; 280–600 m a.s.l.; 19–23 May 2019; A. Brunke and H. Schillhammer leg.; FIT; CNC • 1 ♂; Cuc Phuong NP; 20°20′57.48″ N, 105°35′46.48″ E: 390 m a.s.l.; 17–20 Jun. 2017; A. Brunke leg.; FIT; CNC • 1 ♂; Cuc Phuong NP; 20°21′14.40″ N, 105°35′9.60″ E; 390 m a.s.l.; 17 Jun. 2017; A. Brunke leg.; beating; FIT; CNC.


Male (Fig. 8A).

MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.2–4.5 mm; forewing length 3.2–4.2 mm.

HEAD. Head (Fig. 8B–D) 1.8–2.1 times as long as high, 1.3–1.4 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.56 times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 8B); frons granulate, with microstriae (Fig. 8D); frons with low ridge extending to vertex along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 8D); frons with indistinct wrinkles towards median ocellus (Fig. 8C); spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 8B); temple 0.80–1.4 times as long as MOD (Fig. 8D); POL 1.1–1.4 times as long as MOD; OOL 1.3–1.5 times as long as MOD; LOL 0.29–0.50 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli without transverse depression (Fig. 8D); cervical expansion weakly convex in lateral view (Fig. 8C); basal part of cervical expansion parallel in dorsal view (Fig. 8D); scape 2.8–3.2 times as long as wide; scape with longitudinal grooves; scape with transparent flange; F1 2.0 times as long as wide; F2 1.8–2.0 times as long as wide; F11 2.9–3.2 times as long as wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.3.

MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.85–0.86 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 8E); posterior width of pronotum 1.2–1.6 times as wide as anterior width and as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface of pronotum carinate (Fig. 8A); notauli of scutum parallel, not reaching posterior margin (Fig. 8G); scutellum rugose, with lateral carina (Fig. 8G); scrobal sulcus present, strongly depressed (Fig. 8A); metanotum with four ridges, 0.39–0.40 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 8G); propodeal angle strongly developed; propodeum without transverse carina above foramen.

WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 8F) with M curved; cu-a 0.17–0.33 times as long as R; A extending half of Cu+M; R1 0.33 times as long as R; Rs 2.6–3.2 times as long as R.

LEGS. Tibiae carinate; flange on forefemur 0.43–0.52 times longer, 0.67–0.90 times wider than tubular part of forefemur; flange on foretibia 0.44–0.60 times longer, 0.27–0.67 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; flange on midfemur 0.43–0.52 times longer, 0.32–0.88 times wider than tubular part of midfemur; flange on midtibia 0.56–0.64 times longer, 0.58–0.60 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa 2.0 times as long as hind trochanter; hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part of hindfemur strongly producing; hindfemur basally stout, apparently wider than distal part; ventral margin of hindfemur flat; outer surface of hindfemur carinate; flange on hindfemur 0.63–0.64 times longer, 0.76–1.1 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; flange on hindtibia 0.74–0.77 times longer, 1.0–1.7 times as wide as tubular part of hindtibia.

PILOSITY. Lower gena with sparse decumbent simple and cuneate setae (Fig. 8C); scape with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae; pedicel with sparse suberect simple setae; forefemur with sparse decumbent simple setae; midtrochanter with sparse decumbent cuneate setae; hindcoxa with sparse decumbent cuneate setae.

COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; flanges yellowish brown; ribbon-like setae yellow brown.




Vietnam (Northern Vietnam) (Fig. 26).


Loboscelidia cucphuongensis sp. nov. resembles L. cuneata sp. nov., L. maai (Lin, 1964), L. nitidula Kimsey, 2012 and L. pallarela sp. nov. in having a parallel cervical expansion. However, L. cuchphuongensis sp. nov. can be distinguished by the following characteristics: forefemur bearing simple setae (with cuneate setae in L. cuneata sp. nov.); R1 less than 0.5 times as long as R (more than 0.5 times as long as R in other four species); cu-a less than 0.5 times as long as R (as long as R in L. maai and L. nitidula); and Rs about 2.5 times as long as R (more than 3. 0 times as long as R in L. nitidula and L. pallalela sp. nov.).


Published as part of Hisasue, Yu, Pham, Thai-Hong & Mita, Toshiharu, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Loboscelidiinae) from Vietnam, pp. 1-68 in European Journal of Taxonomy 887 (1) on pages 17-19, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2023.887.2203,


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  • Kimsey L. S. 2012. Review of the odd chrysidid genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Loboscelidiinae). ZooKeys 213: 1 - 40. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 213.2985