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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published August 8, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Dealing with induced fit, conformational selection and secondary poses in molecular dynamics simulations for reliable free energy predictions

  • 1. University of Florence (Italy)


Essential data and s/w for the paper "Dealing with induced fit,
  conformational selection and secondary poses in molecular dynamics
  simulations for reliable free energy predictions"

inputs directory:
Contains the ORAC input files for all simulations reported in the paper

lib directory:
tpg and prm file for the potential models of 1 2 and the ODR-BRD4(I) systems

pdb directory: starting (crystallographic) PDB structures of 1, 2 and
of the ODR-BRD4(I) complex

tar directory:
Contains the tgz beta-version of the ORAC program with adaptive HREM. The distribution includes the source code, ancillary s/w, and documentation

traj directory:
Contains the PDB trajectory files for all the simulations reported in the paper.
for the ODR-BRD4(I) complex water solvent is not included.


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