Published August 6, 2023 | Version v1
Report Open

How (seasonal) agricultural demands for labour are met by immigrant workers in the Netherlands and Germany, ADMIGOV Deliverable 3.4

  • 1. University of Amsterdam


In this report, the working conditions of migrant workers in agriculture in The Netherlands and Germany are investigated. By and large, these turn out to be EU citizens who stand a considerable risk of being exploited by their employers as well as by recruiters. Typical for the Dutch case is the role of temp agencies in recruitment as well as they act as the de jure employers whereas actual employment lies with third parties.  Exploitation is of their work (long hours and/or underpayment) and of their housing (poor conditions, overcrowding, and relatively high rents). Enforcement of labour law is insufficient in both countries. Covid-19 acerbated these conditions in cases where housing facilities are overcrowded, and employment sites are indoors. These critical observations are accompanied by decent working and housing conditions that can be exemplary of proper conduct on the part of recruiters and employers. The paper concludes that the right of free movement for all EU citizens is meaningful when accompanied by better safeguards for equal treatment between them.


This report is part of work package 3 of ADMIGOV more information:



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ADMIGOV – Advancing Alternative Migration Governance 822625
European Commission