Published June 30, 2017 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Observing actual evapotranspiration within a hilly watershed: case study of the Kamech site, Cap Bon peninsula, Tunisia

  • 1. INRGREF-LRVENC, Carthage University, Tunis (Tunisia)
  • 2. INRA, UMR LISAH, Montpellier (France)
  • 3. IRD, UMR LISAH, Tunis (Tunisia)


Surface-atmosphere flux data acquired by the Kamech flux tower (Environmental Research Observatory OMERE) between March 2010 and August 2013

A single data file (csv format) containing :

  • quality controlled surface-atmosphere fluxes (friction velocity, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux)
  • meteorological data required to gap fill them with REddyProc (incoming solar radiation, air temperature, air humidity)
  • wind direction (sectors NW or S)

More details (names of the variables, units) are given in the readme.first.txt file


The author's express their thanks to : (1) the Environmental Research Observatory OMERE (; (2) the MISTRALS/SICMED program; (3) French National Research Agency (ANR) TRANSMED program through the ALMIRA project (contract ANR-12-TMED-0003) for their financial support provided for this study.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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This dataset is made available according to the data policy of the OMERE observatory, for non-commercial use only. By downloading this dataset, you agree that you will not retransmit this dataset to a third party. We ask you to contact the authors of this dataset ( to inform them of how you intend to make use of this dataset. Any use of this dataset requires OMERE acknowledgement, stated as follows: "OMERE observatory ( - funded by french institutes INRA and IRD and coordinated by INAT Tunis, INRGREF Tunis, UMR Hydrosciences Montpellier and UMR LISAH Montpellier - is acknowledged for providing (part of) data used in this study"

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