Published August 4, 2023 | Version Version v3.2023
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PROTECT-SLR BISICLES ice-sheet model simulations for Amundsen Sea Embayment to 2050

  • 1. Swansea University
  • 2. Bristol University


BISICLES ice-sheet model results. The NetCDF files in ASE_BISICLES.tar.gz contain simulated output variables for the Amundsen Sea Embayment sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet at a spatial resolution of 1 km. The model start date is 2007 and the outputs are yearly to 2052. Each of the 30 simulations is a result of a different combination of model parameters. The parameters are the u0 value in a regularized Coulomb friction law, the rate of imposed thinning of floating ice, and scaling factors for sliding and viscosity coefficients between 0.9 and 1.1. The final part of each dataset name gives the sea-level equivalent (SLE) of loss of ice above floatation within Pine Island and Thwaites Glacier catchment basins. Each output was randomly selected from a 2 cm 2050 SLE band of a histogram of a large ensemble of simulations.

See the pdf report included for further details.


Datasets produced as a deliverable of the H2020 Protect-SLR



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PROTECT – PROjecTing sEa-level rise : from iCe sheets to local implicaTions 869304
European Commission