Published August 4, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

The Way Forward Workshop Report: Future Challenges in Software Engineering

  • 2. Trust-IT
  • 3. Politecnico di Milano
  • 4. University of Oxford


Project member:

  • 1. Trust-IT


The "Way Forward Workshop on Future Challenges in Software Engineering" convened experts at Politecnico di Milano to evaluate present software engineering practices amidst emerging technologies. Four focal areas were chosen:

  • Security in the Computing Continuum: Addressing software security challenges, addressing also issues arising from new technologies like machine learning
  • Software Engineering and AI: Examining the mutual impact of AI and Software Engineering, encompassing the complexities of AI architectures, validation, and security
  • Software Engineering for Quantum Computing: Delving into the advances and challenges of quantum computing, emphasizing effective design and programming strategies
  • Sustainable Software Engineering: Exploring software's contribution to sustainability and its role in addressing pressing issues like the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The workshop introduced the initiative and its goals, culminating in a conclusion session.

Explore captivating event highlights in our gallery section. Access speaker presentations and the post-workshop news piece for valuable resources to tackle future software engineering challenges. Click here to view videos, presentations, and more from the workshop.


The Way Forward Workshop Report_Future Challenges in Software Engineering.pdf

Additional details


European Commission – European forum of the software research communit 957044