Published August 2, 2023 | Version v1
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Linking Technical and Vocational Education and Training with Higher Education, and Possible Consequences for Development Cooperation


Context: In many countries, the historical relationship between general and higher education on the one hand and TVET on the other can be seen as each side separating itself from the other. From a global perspective, approaches have emerged where TVET meets higher education. These developments can change the relationship between the two sectors. This paper discusses the spectrum of options from creating new permeability between the two sectors and points out possible consequences for development cooperation.

Approach: To investigate the variety of forms in different countries linking TVET with higher education, we use a heuristic that includes four dimensions, namely objective, organisation, programme and system. The heuristic is applied to the development of academisation and tertiarisation in the People’s Republic of China and the Palestinian territories.

Findings: In China, the entrance examinations regulate the permeability between the pillars of the secondary and tertiary level TVET system. There is a considerable development in permeability within the TVET system between upper secondary and tertiary levels. In the case of the Palestinian territories, the Al-Quds University can be taken as an example of a step-by-step way to integrate practice-oriented dual studies into existing university structures. Establishing a link between education and practice is a higher priority than establishing stronger links between TVET and higher education.

Conclusion: As the two case studies demonstrate, awareness is developing in particular countries that linking these two sectors of the education system can bring benefits. Initial ideas and limitations regarding the expansion of initiatives in development cooperation will be stated.


VETNET ECER Proceedings 2023 88-95.pdf

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