Published July 23, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Assessment on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Grade 12 Students in San Felipe Neri Catholic School


ABM students are far more interested in entrepreneurship since it aligns with their preferred strand. Using a quantitative approach, the research revealed that grade 12 students from all strands have entrepreneurial intentions based on their level of (1) knowledge in entrepreneurship, (2) Basic entrepreneurial skills, (3) Entrepreneurial resources, and (4) Personality traits of an entrepreneur. The result of this study shows that students’ entrepreneurial intentions are similar or consistent with one another, with an overall standard deviation of 0.39. The personality traits of an entrepreneur is the variable that got the highest ranking, while entrepreneurial resources received the lowest ranking. The entrepreneurial intention among the grade 12 students is 4.43, or very skillful. The result also explained that STEM and HUMSS students do better in entrepreneurship than ABM students, which led to a significant ANOVA result. According to the result, the p-value of 0.00001 indicates that there is a significant difference in the entrepreneurial intentions of the Grade 12 students according to their preferred strand. The action plan outlines a seminar for students in grade 12 that helped them identify their potential as entrepreneurs and refine their entrepreneurial intentions in terms of their entrepreneurial resources. The seminar focused more on the aspect of the entrepreneurial resources of the students since it was ranked the lowest among the variables. Attendees were made aware of various resources, such as financial, physical, intellectual, human, and digital resources.



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