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Published July 20, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Validation of Malayacyclus Tang, Mychko, Feldmann, Schweitzer, Shaari & Sone, a cyclidan crustacean from the Early Carboniferous of Terengganu, Malaysia

  • 1. Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. & Paleoceanography Research Group (PoRIG), Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
  • 2. Laboratory of Atlantic Geology, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. & Scientific and Educational Center "Geoecology and Marine Resource Management", Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia. & Research and Education Center, Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
  • 3. Department of Earth Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA.
  • 4. Department of Earth Sciences, Kent State University at Stark, North Canton, Ohio, USA.
  • 5. Paleoceanography Research Group (PoRIG), Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
  • 6. Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Tang, Hung Yung, Mychko, Eduard V., Feldmann, Rodney M., Schweitzer, Carrie E., Shaari, Hasrizal, Sone, Masatoshi (2023): Validation of Malayacyclus Tang, Mychko, Feldmann, Schweitzer, Shaari & Sone, a cyclidan crustacean from the Early Carboniferous of Terengganu, Malaysia. Zootaxa 5318 (3): 439-440, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5318.3.10, URL:



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  • Dzik, J. (2008) Gill structure and relationships of the Triassic cycloid crustaceans. Journal of Morphology, 269, 1501-1519.
  • ICZN (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 4th Edition. The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, xxix + 306 pp.
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  • Tang, H.Y., Mychko, E.V., Feldmann, R.M., Schweitzer, C.E., Shaari, H. & Sone, M. (2021) Malayacyclus gen. nov., the first Southeast Asian Cyclida (Crustacea) from the Early Carboniferous of Terengganu, Malaysia. Geological Journal, 2021, 1-9.