Published July 18, 2023
| Version v1
A Dynamic Points Removal Benchmark in Point Cloud Maps
Uniformat Dataset LiDAR Point Cloud Data [PCD format]
check DynamicMap_Benchmark repo and Our Papers for more detail.
- 00: KITTI sequence 00 [VLP-64] from frame 4390 to 4530
- 05: KITTI sequence 05 [VLP-64] from frame 2350 to 2670
- av2: Argoverse 2.0 one sequence on 07YOTznatmYypvQYpzviEcU3yGPsyaGg__Spring_2020. [2 x VLP-32]
- semindoor: semi-indoor dataset collected by [VLP-16], collected by ourselves.
Dataset | Description | Sensor Type | Total Frame Number |
KITTI sequence 00 | in a small town with few dynamics (including one pedestrian around | VLP-64 | 141 |
KITTI sequence 05 | in a small town straight way, one higher car, the benchmarking paper cover image from this sequeue | VLP-64 | 321 |
Argoverse2 | in a big city, crowded and tall buildings (including cyclists, vehicles, people walking near the building etc. | 2 x VLP-32 | 575 |
Semi-indoor | Collected by us, running on small 1x2 vehicle with two people walking around the platform | VLP-16 | 960 |
Cite as:
author={Zhang, Qingwen and Duberg, Daniel and Geng, Ruoyu and Jia, Mingkai and Wang, Lujia and Jensfelt, Patric},
booktitle={2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)},
title={A Dynamic Points Removal Benchmark in Point Cloud Maps},