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Published October 18, 2013 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Motivation and Foreign Language Tearnability in The Young adult Students.



Recent development in science and improvements in MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) have changed our knowledge about how we learn: which parts of the brain are used for speech, short- term and long-term memory storage, and other processes that are central to learning. Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity; and Social Cognitive Development: Self-theory and interrelation with cognition have given a new shift to the educator and course developer and as well as students.

Motivation, praise and interactions between the teacher and student, have been decisive. Teacher’s attitude and types of sentences which are used in the classroom as instructions to explain the study material in the foreign language learning has been very important, because foreign language learning is not a linear process as other discipline, resulting the students’ success. This research is to illustrate how our instruction style and strategy in the motivational patterns change the students’ intelligence and learnability, and memory, changing into the successful learner.


Motivation and Foreign Language learnability in the yound adult students.pdf