Rhynchasphaera latipleura Bechyne 1956
- 1. Department of Biology, Ecosphere Research Group, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, Wilrijk, Belgium.
- 2. Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation npo (BINCO), Walmersumstraat 44, 3380 Glabbeek, Belgium.
- 3. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, ARS, c / o Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, District of Columbia, USA.
- 4. Department of Entomology, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, District of Columbia, USA. furthd @ si. edu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6559 - 1209
Rhynchasphaera latipleura Bechyné, 1956
(Figure 8)
Rhynchasphaera latipleura Bechyné 1956:1056 (Peru, Cuzco: Machupicchú, holotype sex unknown).
Measurements. LB = 7.5–9.32 mm; WB = 4.55–5.2 mm (N=4)
Distribution. Peru.
Type examined. Paratype: Machupicchu 2000m Peru XII.1947, Coll. Weyrauch, 5656, P-Type Rhynchasphaera latipleura ns. J. Bechyne det., 1956 (NMB).
Additional specimens examined. Macchu Picchu Pueblo, Cuzco, Peru March 22 1947 Alt. 6491 ft., J. C. Pallister Coll. Donor Frank Johnson, Rhynchasphaera latipleura Bechyne det. D.G. Furth (1 AMNH, on loan to D. Furth). Peru, Cusco: 80 km North of Calca 7-Mar-1978, Univ. Maryland-SEL: SMF Expedition, Cum typo Comparatum, Rhynchasphaera latipleura Bechyné det. M. Van Roie 2022 (1 female BYU). Peru: Cusco, Machupicchu 2040 meters 16-Feb-1978, Univ. Maryland SEL: SMF Expedition (2 females USMN). Peru dept. of Cuzco Machu Picchu Aguas Calientes 1800m, April 1999 coll. MVL Barclay BMNH {E}2003-49, Rhynchasphaera latipleura Bechyné, 1956 det. M. Geiser 2021, 3 more with same data at BMNH (1 female BMNH). Peru dept. of Cuzco Machu Picchu Aguas Calientes 1800m, April 1999 coll. MVL Barclay BMNH {E}2003-49, Rhynchasphaera latipleura Bechyné, 1956 det. M. Geiser 2021 (1 female BMNH). Peru dept. of Cuzco Machu Picchu Aguas Calientes 2000m, April 1999 coll. MVL Barclay BMNH {E}2003-49, Rhynchasphaera latipleura Bechyné, 1956 det. M. Geiser 2021 (1 female BMNH).
Literature records. PERU: Cuzco: Machupicchú, 2000m, XII.1947 (Dr. W. Weyrauch) (Bechyné 1956).
Description of genitalia. Spermathecal pump (Figure 8E) clearly separated from receptacle, about half as long as receptacle, slightly arched, with top rounded. Apex of spermathecal pump flattened; length about one-fifth of spermathecal pump. Receptacle elongate, constricted just before and at spermathecal pump, forming clear neck; maximum width situated at about middle of receptacle. Male genitalia not available for study.
Diagnosis. Rhynchasphaera latipleura can quite easily be separated from the two other species of this genus by the elytral coloration alone (see key above, Figure 8). Additionally, R. latipleura distinguishes from R. basisticta by the more matte, deeply punctate and evenly rounded elytra (Figure 8A&B). Furthermore, R. latipleura can be separated from R. orophila by the clearly punctate frons (Figure 8C).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1947-03-22 , 1978-02-16 , 1978-03-07
- Family
- Chrysomelidae
- Genus
- Rhynchasphaera
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Bechyne
- Species
- latipleura
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 1947-03-22 , 1978-02-16 , 1978-03-07
- Taxonomic concept label
- Rhynchasphaera latipleura Bechyne, 1956 sec. Roie, D'Hont, Konstantinov & Furth, 2023
- Bechyne, J. (1956) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Alticiden und Galeruciden. Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum Gg. Frey, 7 (3), 965 - 1071.