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Published July 17, 2023 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

VALUABLE Creation of project website for internal/external use

  • 1. IDENER


This deliverable presents the VALUABLE website ( as an important channel of information available for different interest parties of the project. The website has 2 purposes: a public area, focused on disseminating the project to the general public and stakeholders; and a private area for the partners of the consortium. The structure of the website is formed by different segments, including a stakeholders repository and forum, a contact section, and areas with information about the project with news and publications.


D_7_8_Creation of project website for internalexternal use.pdf

Files (648.8 kB)

Additional details


VALUABLE – VALorisarion of fUngAl Biomass using noveL Enzymatic technology 101059786
European Commission