Published June 20, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри літератури і культури Хебейського педагогічного ун-ту
  • 2. Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди


National cultural factors have a significant influence on both the language code elements and the process of communication, so the lack of understanding of linguistic and cultural behavior norms creates difficulties in communication. The problems of verbal and non-verbal means of communication were in the interests of F. Batsevych, I. Gorelov, M. Kotstsolino, L. Pelepeychenko, Yu. Ten and many other native and foreign researchers. However, the analysis of the features of their interaction in the Chinese culture has not been yet the subject of a special study, that explains the relevance of our research is the purpose of the article. Verbal communication tools promote the transfer of social experience of previous generations through the nomination of national cultural factors; affect the semantics of specific words denoting items of Chinese life, the forms of their speech etiquette and the formation of the social roles of the participants of communication. The features of using the non-verbal means of communication by Chinese carriers can provide impact on the internal structure, shape, style and results of communication between representatives of different cultures (through gestures, eye contact, national rituals and customs). Therefore Chinese culture is characterized by close interaction between verbal and nonverbal communication means, and knowledge of their features is necessary both for a better understanding of the Chinese people and the characteristics of their culture and in order to avoid stress in the process of intercultural communication.



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