Published August 18, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Comparison Metrics for ERA5 against in situ observations in the Arctic


The comparison metrics (R2, slope, RMSE, Pearson correlation coefficient) were produced from a comparison between the ERA5 reanalysis model and in situ observations from ground-based stations in the Arctic. The datasets accompany the manuscript "Comparison of selected surface level ERA5 variables against in situ observations in the Arctic" by Pernov et al. (2023). The Excel files are located in three sub-folders (All, Seasonal, and Temporal). Each variable has its own Excel file. The sub-folder "All" gives the metrics when using all available data from each station at a 1-hour temporal resolution. The sub-folder "Seasonal" gives the metrics when the comparison is made on a seasonal basis, with sub-folders indicating the season. The sub-folder "Temporal" gives the metrics when comparing different temporal resolutions, which are indicated in the sub-folders. 

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Comparison Metrics for ERA5 against in situ

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