Published July 13, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

How Does Parasocial Interaction Influence Skincare Purchase Intention?


The pandemic has caused changes in consumer
behavior, especially in the beauty industry, people tend to
buy skincare rather than make-up due to reduced
activities outside home. In addition, internet usage is
increasing as consumers search for information online
before purchasing products. This study aims to examine
the effect of reviews from fellow consumers and
influencers on social media on skincare purchase
intention in Indonesia. The research method used is a
quantitative method. Data was collected using a
questionnaire via Google Form, afterwards the data was
processed using Smart PLS software. The results of this
study are that all variables have influence on purchase
intentions except for homophile attitudes. Parasocial
interactions are influenced by influencer credibility and
homophile attitudes. It can be concluded that fellow
consumers' reviews and influencer credibility are able to
increase purchase intention, but not with homophile
attitudes because it is an antecedent of parasocial



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