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Published July 13, 2023 | Version 1.0
Software Open

DF-Net: The Digital Forensics Network for Image Forgery Detection

  • 1. Austrian Institute of Technology


Digital Forensics Network (DF-Net)

This is the official model for the DF-Net (IMVIP 2023). For method details, please refer to

      title={DF-Net: The Digital Forensics Network for Image Forgery Detection},
      author={David Fischinger and Martin Boyer},
      journal={The 25th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference. (IMVIP)},


The provided zip file includes:

- Documentation:
- Models: The DF-Net comprising the sub-models M1 and M2 (in TensorFlow format)
- Docker-Image: Dockerfile and code to create an independent docker container to easily test the DF-Net and reproduce results on   the benchmark dataset
- Jupyter Notebook: Interactive way to test DF-Net and visualize examples
- Testdata: Copy of the benchmark dataset CASIA* (due to space restrictions only a subset of the CASIA V1 benchmark dataset is used)
*) [Dong et al., 2013] Dong, J., Wang, W., and Tan, T. (2013). Casia image tampering detection evaluation
database. In IEEE China Summit Inter. Conf. Signal Info. Proc., pages 422–426. IEEE.


HowTo: Test DF-Net in Docker container

Download und extract the file to an environment supporting Docker, ideally in a Linux-based system with GPU support ($ = command prompt):


0 - Install zip tool (if not already available):

    $ sudo apt install zip


1 - Download

    $ wget


2 - Unpack zip:

    $ unzip


3 - Change Directory:

    $ cd IMVIP_Supplementary_Material


4 - BUILD Docker Image

    $ ./scripts/


5 - RUN Docker Container with or without GPU

    $ ./scripts/


    $ ./scripts/  


6 - Open Jupyter Notebook

In a browser, open the link that was printed in your console (should look similar to


On the webpage, click on the folder dfnet and then the Jupyter notebook IMVIP_Model_Evaluation.ipynb


7 - Execute Code

Run all code blocks (by pressing shift+enter for each block).

Examples from the CASIA benchmark dataset will be displayed on the screen.


Parameter Setting

To control the number of processed images (MAX_EXAMPLES) and define how many images are displayed (SHOW_NTH_RESULT), you can modify the corresponding variables at the bottom of the Jupyter page.


    SHOW_NTH_RESULT = 1 # defines how many results are shown: each result;  n...only show n-th result

    MAX_EXAMPLES = 20   # defines number of images to process:  np.infty...all images in folder are processed


Folder Structure for Supplementary Material


├── datasets

│   │  

│   └── benchmark

│       ├── CASIA

│       └── CASIA_GT

├── models

│   ├── model1

│   └── model2

└── scripts


== Licence ==

The Software is made available for academic or non-commercial purposes only.
For commercial license pricing and support pricing, please contact:

Martin Boyer
Senior Research Engineer
Center for Digital Safety & Security
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4 | 1210 Vienna | Austria
martin.boyer [at]



Please cite:
"DF-Net: The Digital Forensics Network for Image Forgery Detection", David Fischinger and Martin Boyer, IMVIP -The 25th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference, (2023)



This work was co-funded by the European Union, Project 101083573 — GADMO


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Additional details


  • "DF-Net: The Digital Forensics Network for Image Forgery Detection", David Fischinger and Martin Boyer (2023), IMVIP -The 25th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference
  • "Casia image tampering detection evaluation database.", Dong, J., Wang, W., and Tan, T. (2013). In IEEE China Summit Inter. Conf. Signal Info. Proc., pages 422–426. IEEE.