Published August 1, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Statistical analysis of the predictors of annual electric vehicle mileage

  • 1. National Technical University/Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute
  • 2. Russian State Agrarian University
  • 3. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education/Kuban State Agrarian University,


This study evaluates the impact of technical and economic factors related to electric vehicles and the impact of socio-demographic factors related to electric vehicle owners on annual electric vehicle mileage from a statistical perspective. The data set was analyzed using regression and correlation analyses using Ms Excel and several Python libraries. The influence of the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents was estimated as minimal and requiring reassessment. It was shown that among the socio-demographic factors considered, only the age of vehicle owners correlates with the annual mileage of electric vehicles. It is shown that technical and economic parameters are much more closely related to the annual mileage of electric cars than socio-demographic parameters. Significant factors among the technical and economic ones were battery capacity, power consumption of the electric car, and the size of the respondent's locality.



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