Published July 10, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Formation of Professional Internet Resources' Content in the Marketing Environment of Organization

  • 1. Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine


The purpose of the research is to analyze the approaches to forming the content of an organization’s Internet resources to increase the effectiveness of online promotion and interaction with brand consumers.

Research methods. The authors employ general philosophical and general scientific methods of scientific cognition, such as analysis, synthesis, observation, information and content analysis, etc.

Scientific novelty. Approaches to the formation of Internet resource content are determined, and an example of the use of online services for content analysis and SEO audit of an Internet resource is given.

Conclusions. Developing quality content is crucial for business growth. The content should be original, informative, and optimized for search engines. It should also align with current industry trends and preferences. Content analysis, through an analytical approach, is becoming increasingly important and relevant, as it enables businesses to effectively utilize their content. Nowadays this method can be applied to all forms of Internet resources’ content. The importance of Internet resources’ content in the marketing activities of an organization is constantly growing. The core aspects of quality content are its uniqueness, value, and usefulness to the consumer. The model of combining different types of content based on the principle of thirds is believed to be optimal. The prospect of the study is to use the described example of analyzing an Internet resource as part of the methodology of content analysis and SEO audit for any Internet resource.



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