Tomas de hábito del monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Sopetrán (1802-1830)
This article focuses on the analysis of the habit takes and the demographic status of the Benedictine monastery of Our Lady of Sopetrán (at the beginning of the Contemporary Age), through the transcription and use of the information contained in the demographic report that was sent to the Benedictine monastery of San Vicente de Oviedo and which, at present, is kept within the archives of the Monastery of San Pelayo de Oviedo. This document was sent to the community of San Vicente de Oviedo to know the situation of the referred community, in the context of the process of exclaustration. It is also intended that this article serve as a new contribution to the knowledge of the history of the Benedictine community of Our Lady of Sopetrán.
tomas de habito del monasterio de nuestra señora de sopetran 1802 1830.pdf
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