Published July 6, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Data platform related to ERDF postdoctoral project No. "The role of vitamin D gene polymorphisms and its receptors in the modulation of intestinal inflammation in patients with relapsing and progressive forms of multiple sclerosis".

  • 1. University of Latvia


Research group:

  • 1. University of Latvia


Description of contents of the data platform (dataset 1 ) based on the ERDF postdoctoral project No. role of vitamin D and its receptor gene polymorphisms in the modulation of intestinal inflammation in patients with relapsing and progressive forms of multiple sclerosis”.

About the project and gathered data:

The two datasets contain clinical data on 289 sex-balanced samples (approximately 60% women / 40% men)) were created at the MS Clinic of the Latvian Maritime Medical Center (LMMC) in 2011 (disease duration of 1-51 years); the collection was updated within the framework of the ERDF MS project (2017-2020) and replenished during the ERDF postdoctoral project No. “The role of vitamin D and its receptor gene polymorphisms in the modulation of intestinal inflammation in patients with relapsing and progressive forms of multiple sclerosis” (2021-2023).

The following pre-selected information was assessed from the clinic database for each patient for the first dataset (1 Data_MS collection): gender, age, age of onset of multiple sclerosis (MS), year of onset, the first symptoms, exacerbations in the first year,  clinical MS disease course (estimated Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) at diagnosis, Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT), clinical activity, Magnetic resonance (MR) activity, other autoimmune diseases, duration of illness, time of the transition from relapsing-remitting MS course (RRMS) to secondary-progressive MS course (SPMS); year of start SPMS, RRMS>SPMS (RRMS duration in years). Clinical information was distributed according to the development of disease progression over five visits. Information related to the forms of disability progression of MS was assessed from medical files for the given period (12 years) for a complete picture of the history of disease progression.

The following pre-selected information was assessed from the clinic database for each patient for the first dataset (2 Data_MS_2011_2018_2022): Clinical data for 2011: Age, clinical course of MS, estimated Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), Clinical activity, Invalidity progression, MR activity, NEDA-3*, IgA, g/l, IgM, g/l, IgG, g/l, CD3, cell/ml, CD4, cell/ml, CD8, cell/ml, Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT), period of therapy.

*Progress of disease and response to treatment was evaluated in terms of “no evidence of disease activity” (NEDA) standard (Stangel, 2015) measured by relapses, progression of disability and new and/or enlarging demyelinating lesions as seen on MRI.

Updated data for 2018: Duration of illness, clinical course of MS, EDSS

Updated data for 2020-22 years: EDSS  2020 and EDSS  2022,  CRP (ug/mL), µg/ml, 25-OH-Vitamin D (ng/mL), Total IgE (IU/mL), Endotoxin (LPS), EU/m, Human LBP (ng/mL), EndoCab IgA, AMU/ml, EndoCab IgG, GMU/ml, EndoCab IgG, GMU/ml.


Acknowledgments & Funding: The study was funded from the Postdoc project No. "The role of vitamin D and its receptor gene polymorphisms in the modulation of intestinal inflammation in patients with relapsing and progressive forms of multiple sclerosis" .



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  • N. Paramonova, J. Kalnina et al., Genetic variations in the PSMA6 and PSMC6 proteasome genes are associated with multiple sclerosis risk and response to interferon beta therapy in Latvians. (2020), Int J Mol Med. doi: 10.3892/etm.2021.9909.
  • N. Paramonova, I.Trapina, et al., An Intergenic rs9275596 Polymorphism on Chr. 6p21 Is Associated with Multiple Sclerosis in Latvians. (2020), Medicina DOI:10.3390/medicina56040154.