Published July 5, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Manfaat Ilmu Forensik dalam Hukum Pidana

  • 1. Universitas Malikussaleh


Forensic medical science is one of the disciplines that applies the science of medical clinic against humans, especially victims of crime. Forensic science has always been associated with law enforcement especially criminal law. The Benefit of forensic science to criminal law enforcement is to reveal the truth and justice both of cold case and the latest case. In medical forensic science, the identification stage is important so that it is believed that this science is very crucial to reveal the cases even the old one. In the investigation of a criminal case, the observations of the physical evidence and the interpretation the results of the evidence become main key to obtain information and real facts of the case. In investigation process, there are several obstacles faced by investigators for example in the case of mutilation. The difficulties faced were in identifying the victim, the cause of death, and so forth. To reveal the truth, it requires an investigator who has expertise in forensic science


01. Cut Khairunnisa_Edisi January 2023_hlm.1-12.pdf

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