Published July 4, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Contemporary Indonesian Islamic Civilization in Supporting Peace in ASEAN

  • 1. UIN Walisongo Semarang


Islam came to countries in Southeast Asia, almost all of which were preceded by interactions between people in the archipelago and Arab traders, India, Bengal, China, Gujarat, Iran, Yemen and South Arabia. This study aims to analyze contemporary Indonesian Islamic Civilization in supporting peace in ASEAN. This study using library research produces research data that; 1). The teachings that the Prophet Muhammad SAW brought to mankind that have also reached us are Islam, which means safe, prosperous, peaceful and peaceful. 2). Indonesia's role in helping peace in ASEAN includes initiating the birth of ASEAN, organizing the first ASEAN Summit, forming the initiator of the ASEAN security community, being a conflict mediator, representing ASEAN in world peace. 3). Challenges faced by Indonesia in realizing peace in ASEAN. Among them is the perception that Islam is a religious conflict and violence, related to Islamophobia. Which is where the fear of Islam is increasing, and also related to the social and economic conditions of Islamic society. 4). Indonesian Islamic figures who play a role in peace in ASEAN, including Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Alatas, Vice President Yusuf Kalla, President KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, KH. Hasyim Muzadi, Prof. A. Syafi'i Ma'arif and Prof. Din Shamsuddin .5). Da'wah strategies in ASEAN include holding the Jakarta Informal Meeting (JIM) and hosting the ASEAN Islamic Conference. This study has implications for increasing literature on the history of Indonesian Islamic civilization in the world so that it can add to the body of knowledge in Indonesian history.


5 Contemporary Indonesian Islamic Civilization in Supporting Peace in ASEAN.pdf