Published December 1, 2019 | Version v1
Preprint Open

Proyectos de fundación monástica fracasados en el principado de Asturias: Siglo XVI al XIX

  • 1. Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña


The present article intends to make a first approximation to the knowledge of those attempts to found new monasteries and convents in the territory of the Principality of Asturias (during the Modern Age and the beginnings of the Contemporary Age) that, for various reasons, failed in their development. The knowledge of these foundational attempts and their study by centuries, sexes, councils and Religious Orders, will help us to better understand the implantation in the Asturian territory of the aforementioned Orders, their settlement policies and the power relations and the conflicts established with others sectors of the clergy, the nobility, the city councils or the real power. In short, these attempts of new foundations and the causes that concurred in each of them to fail will be analyzed for the first time.


proyectos de fundación monástica fracasados en el principado de asturias, siglo xvi al xix.pdf