Published June 1, 2017 | Version v1
Preprint Open

El ocio de la órdenes religiosas en el principado de Asturias (siglo XVI al XIX)

  • 1. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca


With this article is to make an initial approach to knowledge leisure within the Religious Orders in Asturias, in the centuries of the Modern Age and the beginning of the Contemporary Age, an aspect that lacks any research into the everyday life of Religious orders, for the Spaniard case and in this chronological dimension. In this analysis all forms of leisure allowed within religious communities (pious reading, needlework, theater performances, tours, consumption of chocolate, etc) will be contemplated. In short, it will be analyzed to spent free time all religious orders present in Asturias, distinguishing by branches (male and female), concluding what was the importance that was given to her bosom recreation (in all its typological diversity ) in the Asturian case and this chronological dimension.


El ocio de las órdenes religiosas en el principado de asturias (siglo XVI al XIX).pdf