Effect of nutrients, inoculum and co-substrates on methane potential of cattle manure
- 1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín
- 2. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Palmira
In this research, the methane potential of the codigestion of cattle manure (CM) with guinea pig manure (GPM) and dairy wastewater (DW) was evaluated. The effect of the addition of nutrients, inoculum (I) and co-substrates on methane production was studied. Later, two low-cost tubular biodigesters were implemented, at a rural farm in the cold climate municipality of Cumbal, fed with the mixture of CM and co-substrates that produced higher biogas production at the lab scale. The results evidenced that the addition of nutrients had no significant effect on methane potential. The mixture CM + GPM + DW + I, produced a theoretical biomethane potential (BMP) of 69.07%, significantly higher than the percentage of the theoretical BMP obtained individually, 43.81% and 34.49% for CM + I and DW+ I respectively. Further, it was observed that the addition of inoculum avoided problems of acidification. Finally, it was proved that this process can reduce environmental contamination and, at the same time, be a sustainable source of renewable energy for rural families in Cumbal (Nariño-Colombia).
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