Published June 23, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Information Conception of Marketing: Approaches to Understanding the Essence

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • 2. International Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine


The aim of the article is to outline the essence of information-resource and information-activity components as a system-forming foundation of marketing activities and a basis for further elaboration of information marketing concept.

Research methods. The method of crossing from the abstract to the concrete has been applied in order to define, separate and single out the informational component as an essential peculiarity and essential feature of marketing; hypothetical analysis has made it possible to highlight the essence of the informational marketing conception, and the informational approach – to reveal the informational essence of marketing activity.

Scientific novelty of the study consists in the following: the offer to consider marketing activity in the theoretical and methodological field of information sciences; the delineation of essential information components of marketing activity, which are information, information resources, information mechanism of marketing, information and communication field of marketing activity.

Main conclusions. The basis of information marketing conception is composed by scientifically grounded principles, laws and regularities of information activity, according to which the content of information and communication marketing activity is determined, as well as forms and types of information marketing activity are revealed in accordance with the dynamics of the processes of qualitative transformation of the entire life information sphere, the development of information and communication technologies and information needs of consumers.

The informational approach to identifying the information activity essence in marketing makes it possible to reveal the most characteristic informational aspects that determine the functioning and development of marketing, and to substantiate the theoretical foundations of its informational conception.

The information conception of marketing can be well-founded on the basis of the study of the following components in the system connections: information sciences – social informatics – information activity – information processes and systems in social sphere – applied social and communication technologies – marketing.



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